Women can walk around topless in New York.

Women can walk around topless in New York.

If you’ve been to New York, you’d question why this was such a pressing matter that someone took the time to put it into legislation. For 80% of the year in New York, it’s a bit cold for going topless.

The ruling was first made in 1992, following the case known as The People v. Ramona Santorelli and Mary Lou Schloss. During that case, multiple women were arrested for violating decency laws. Like with many places where being topless is legal, it was argued then that it was discriminatory because the same standard wasn’t help to men.
The New York Court of Appeals ruled in favor of the women, and it’s been legal ever since. Meanwhile, San Francisco could be in the process of banning nudity.

Two Yankee pitchers traded LIVES!

Two Yankee pitchers traded LIVES!

If this sounds strange, it's because it is. In 1973, Yankee pitchers Fritz Peterson and Mike Kekich called a press conference where they announced that they had traded families. The men were going to swap wives, children and even pets.
The two men had been inseparable since 1969, and the families had spent a lot of time together. One time, during a double date, they joked about wife-swapping. According to the report, the swap occurred during the summer of 1972, and then made the change official in October of that year, and they made their press conference the year after.
The trade ended up working better for Peterson, because he's still married to his swapped wife, and had 4 kids. Kekich divorced soon after.

The world’s first sex store was started in Germany by a female ex-pilot shortly after the Second World War!

The world’s first sex store was started in Germany by a female ex-pilot shortly after the Second World War!

Beate Uhse AG is the most successful company in the German sex industry, and the country’s most trusted pornography retailer. It was created by former German pilot Beate Uhse-Rotermund in 1946. Originally, it was a distributer of pamphlets on family planning called Schrift X (in English: Writing X or Paper X), which were very successful.
In 1962, the company opened the doors to the world’s first sex shop in Flensburg, West Germany. The Beate Uhse Store enjoyed immediate success due to its respected brand name. By 1992, the company owned 30 of these sex shops and 25 “adult cinemas.” It now employs over 1500 employees and is active in 60 countries. Uhse remained the chairwoman of the company until her death in 2001. 

The 10 most shocking facts on Teen Pregnancy

The 10 most shocking facts on Teen Pregnancy

Here are the top 10 most shocking facts about Teen pregnancy: 

  1. In the United States, there are nearly 750,000 teen pregnancies each year, that's about 2000 a day! This means that about 30% of girls get pregnant at least once.
  2. That 30% is heavily skewed towards minorities. It's estimated that about HALF of Latina and African American teenagers will be pregnant at least once before they're 20.
  3. Teen girls have a hard time supporting their babies. Raising a baby can cost up to $10,000 in the first year ALONE.
  4. About 80% of teen fathers don't marry the mom. They also contribute very little to raising the baby. On average, teen dads pay less than $800 a YEAR on child support.
  5. That 80% number can mean trouble. It's estimated that children who live apart from their dads are 5 times MORE likely to be poor than if they live with both parents.
  6. Teen pregnancy greatly affects education. Only 51% of teen moms have a high school diploma. The number for those who didn't have a teen birth is closer to 89%.
  7. Parenthood is the leading cause for teen girls dropping out of school.
  8. Teen moms are extremely UNLIKELY to go to college. Only about 2% of young teen moms ever get a higher education degree.
  9. Having a baby in your teens can also affect the baby: The daughters of teen moms are 3 times more likely to become teen moms themselves.
  10. Sons are also affected. The sons of teen moms are twice as likely to become incarcerated. 

Sexually attracted to a tree? There's a name for that.

Sexually attracted to a tree? There's a name for that.

The term for someone who's sexually attracted to trees is Dendrophilia. Although it literally means "love of trees," it is commonly used to refer to a paraphilia in which people are sexually attracted or aroused by trees. This may involve sexual contact with trees or venerations as phallic symbols.
A Paraphilia is described as a form of sexual arousal to objects, situations or individuals that are not part of normative stimulation and may cause distress or serious problems for the paraphiliac. Here's some other ones for you:
Agalmatophilia: Statues, mannequins and immobility.
Apotemnophilia: to having an amputation (on yourself)
Autagonistophilia: Being on stage or on camera
Autassassinophilia: Being in life-threatening situations.
Dacryphilia: Trees or crying.
Emetophilia: Vomit.
Formicophilia: Attraction to being crawled on by insects.
Pyrophilia: Fire
Vorarephilia: the idea of eating or being eaten by others.

People who have sex regularly have better immune systems!

People who have sex regularly have better immune systems!

This may sound like a good excuse for sex addicts to continue doing their business, but several recent scientific studies have all concluded that having sex 1.5 times per week can substantially improve a person’s immune system. For men, the increased heart rate is extremely beneficial and can even reduce the risk of suffering a heart attack up to 50%!
Also, around 200 calories are burned every half hour a person has sex and the chances of suffering a stroke are reduced. It’s not all physical either. Studies had discovered that sex releases endorphins that help people to relax and sleep more soundly, which in turn helps the body recuperate.
Strangely, fellatio has been discovered to be good for women’s teeth and regular sex can even aid bladder control as the pelvic muscles are strengthened. Sex is even an effective pain medication as it has been shown to relieve minor aches, arthritis, and even menstrual cramps!

Ovulating strippers make more money

Ovulating strippers make more money! 

An evolutionary psychologist at the University of New Mexico and his research conducted a study that showed an interesting, but very obscure fact. Strippers earned more tips by lap dancing when they were ovulating than when they were not, and also more than women on the pill, who don't ovulate.
The research assistant first noticed this because he worked at a strip club assisting the performers. One of his duties was handing out tampons. He noticed women who requested them earned less than the others. This was the basis for their study.
They set up an anonymous website where they gathered data for 296 work shifts, or about 5,300 lap dances. The women would include info about their earnings, productivity and menstrual cycles.
The results? Women ovulating would earn in average $30/ hour than women in their periods and $15/hour more than women at other stage in their cycle. Women on the pill, who don't ovulate, made significantly less than women in their natural cycle.
The theory is that women ovulating are at their peak of fertility and that makes them more attractive to males. What they haven't found yet is how men can subconsciously recognize that a women is in estrus (their fertility peak).

Nearly 40 percent of the internet is porn!

Nearly 40 percent of the internet is porn!

During the first four months of 2010, Optenet said that 37 percent of all content hosted on the internet was of pornographic nature. Optenet is a global IT security company that has a complex network of global intelligence, which allows for efficient classification of all material on the Internet. The amount of porn greatly supersedes all contents following it online.
Shopping is next on the list with only 9 percent of the internet hosting it. Travel takes up 5.7 percent of the internet. Both computing and sports take up 4.2 percent of the internet.
It is important to take into consideration the type of sites porn websites host. Most of them consist of bandwidth-hogging videos. The videos take up a lot of space and probably increase the volume of porn to be so high.

It is legal to have sex in Amsterdam’s Vondelpark

It is legal to have sex in Amsterdam’s Vondelpark!

So, the new rules in Amsterdam concerning Vondelpark are as following. It is totally ok to have sex in the park as long as it is in the evening or night time. Also, you have to pick up your condoms. I mean, that is just a common courtesy.
The Dutch police are in full support of the new rules and are actually encouraging other parks to follow suit. At first, it was said that gay sex was permissible, but was later changed to public sex. So, now it is permissible for any sex to take place in Vondelpark.
Hordes of people come each summer including families, skaters, and joggers. Apparently, gay sex was mentioned, because Vondelpark is in the middle of the city, and it had become famous for gay men coming and looking for uncomplicated sexual encounters there. 

In Medieval England, people thought it was impossible to get pregnant without having an orgasm. Rape that got pregnant were punished!

In Medieval England, people thought it was impossible to get pregnant without having an orgasm. Rape that got pregnant were punished!

Despite what the fantasy novels tell us, there’s a lot to roll the eyes at in the medieval era. Back then, it was thought that a woman could not get pregnant if she did not have an orgasm. This raises the question of “What happened to women who got pregnant through rape?”
 Well it all fell on her whether she got pregnant or not. If she got pregnant, then she was accused of enjoying it enough to have an orgasm, so the rapist wouldn’t be convicted. This was obviously very medieval logic. If she didn’t pregnant, though, nothing good happened either.
 If a woman was raped and no child was conceived after, then there was no evidence to prove she had been raped and the case was dismissed. So unfortunately it was a lose-lose situation.

Amazon has a patent on 1-click shopping!

Amazon has a patent on 1-click shopping!

It might sound silly, but whenever you see a store that has 1-click shopping, they're probably paying Amazon some licensing fees. Amazon was granted a patent for the technique in September of 1999. They also own the trademark of "1-Click." The patent covers a technique through which a store allows a user to complete an online purchase without having to use shopping cart software, and also without inputting billing and shipping information.
Apple is one of the few licensors of this patent. They added 1-Click to their Apple Computer store and then later added it to iTunes and iPhoto. In 1999, Amazon sued Barnes & Noble because of their Express Lane service, which was similar to 1-click shopping. B&N thought they had designed a way to get around the patent, but they still settled out of court.

A woman disguised herself as a boy to date her friends.

A woman disguised herself as a boy to date her friends.

Her name is Gemma Barker, and she made headlines when she created three male personas to date her 16 year old friends. Even though they knew her in real life, they didn’t pick up at all that it was her disguised as a boy. Even the parents of one of the girls was duped.
Gemma, 19 at the time, got in pretty serious trouble because of it. She was charged with two counts of sexual assault and one count of fraud. The fraud count was for claiming one of her male personas assaulted her. She had introduced herself to her friends by making fake Facebook profiles and contacting them that way.
It worked, but trouble arose when one of the girls became suspicious that the other girl was dating the same guy. Today, she is on the Sex Offenders Registry.

A Hotel has replaced Bibles in rooms with copies of… 50 Shades of Grey

A Hotel has replaced Bibles in rooms with copies of… 50 Shades of Grey

Bibles in hotels is something you're probably extremely familiar with if you've ever stayed in a hotel. The owner of the Damson Dene Hotel in England, however, decided to upend this tradition for something more… porny.
He replaced the Bibles in his room for copies of international best seller and BDSM soft-porn Fifty Shades of Grey in his hotel's nightstands. The man said he had originally thought about putting the famous Ayn Rand novel Altas Shrugged, but decided on the former Twilight-Fanfiction because it was so popular.
The owner bought this hotel from a Methodist group. He says he hopes that people who are shy about reading the book in public will enjoy having it near their bedsides.
What ONE book would you put in nightstands if you owned a hotel?

Women who live closer to the equator tend to have more baby girls!

Women who live closer to the equator tend to have more baby girls!

It sounds a little bit like one of those old wives' tales that says you can influence the sex of the baby by following certain steps. However, this is science. It's been found that women closer to the tropics have a slightly higher, but statistically significant, rate of baby girls than boys.
Scientists believe the natural sex ratio is about 106 boys to every 100 girls, or a ratio of about 51.5% in favor of males. However, some researchers think that masks some geographical trends. They've found, for example, that in tropical Central African Republic, sex ratio was 49% male, while in Chinca, it was 53% male.  
However, don't think that just trying to conceive a baby in the tropics will give you a girl instead of a boy. Scientists aren't sure why this trend happens, but they're pretty sure it has a lot to do with more than just the environment you're in when the baby is conceived.