A Hotel has replaced Bibles in rooms with copies of… 50 Shades of Grey

A Hotel has replaced Bibles in rooms with copies of… 50 Shades of Grey

Bibles in hotels is something you're probably extremely familiar with if you've ever stayed in a hotel. The owner of the Damson Dene Hotel in England, however, decided to upend this tradition for something more… porny.
He replaced the Bibles in his room for copies of international best seller and BDSM soft-porn Fifty Shades of Grey in his hotel's nightstands. The man said he had originally thought about putting the famous Ayn Rand novel Altas Shrugged, but decided on the former Twilight-Fanfiction because it was so popular.
The owner bought this hotel from a Methodist group. He says he hopes that people who are shy about reading the book in public will enjoy having it near their bedsides.
What ONE book would you put in nightstands if you owned a hotel?