Women who live closer to the equator tend to have more baby girls!

It sounds a little bit like one of those old wives' tales that says you can influence the sex of the baby by following certain steps. However, this is science. It's been found that women closer to the tropics have a slightly higher, but statistically significant, rate of baby girls than boys.
Scientists believe the natural sex ratio is about 106 boys to every 100 girls, or a ratio of about 51.5% in favor of males. However, some researchers think that masks some geographical trends. They've found, for example, that in tropical Central African Republic, sex ratio was 49% male, while in Chinca, it was 53% male.
However, don't think that just trying to conceive a baby in the tropics will give you a girl instead of a boy. Scientists aren't sure why this trend happens, but they're pretty sure it has a lot to do with more than just the environment you're in when the baby is conceived.