The world’s first sex store was started in Germany by a female ex-pilot shortly after the Second World War!

The world’s first sex store was started in Germany by a female ex-pilot shortly after the Second World War!

Beate Uhse AG is the most successful company in the German sex industry, and the country’s most trusted pornography retailer. It was created by former German pilot Beate Uhse-Rotermund in 1946. Originally, it was a distributer of pamphlets on family planning called Schrift X (in English: Writing X or Paper X), which were very successful.
In 1962, the company opened the doors to the world’s first sex shop in Flensburg, West Germany. The Beate Uhse Store enjoyed immediate success due to its respected brand name. By 1992, the company owned 30 of these sex shops and 25 “adult cinemas.” It now employs over 1500 employees and is active in 60 countries. Uhse remained the chairwoman of the company until her death in 2001.